43+ Complementary Colors In Graphic Design Background

It produces a high contrast effect while preserving 'harmony.'

43+ Complementary Colors In Graphic Design Background. Complementary color combinations are colors that sit opposite each other on the color circle. To benefit from this power of colors, graphic designers use them to evoke when creating a graphic design work with colors, make sure that you present a contrast between text and background colors.

Graphic Design: Example of Complementary colors
Graphic Design: Example of Complementary colors from 3.bp.blogspot.com
Colour scheme generators such as kuler don't give you the exact values because they are focused on giving you a thanks for contributing an answer to graphic design stack exchange! Color choice can have a larger impact on your website then you might think. Be it sleek and simple or edgy and.

It's a bold move to use a color combination like this, but if your.

A color and its exact opposite on the wheel. Alex is a passionate graphic designer from texas. Complementary color combinations are colors that sit on opposite sides of the color wheel. And color theory says that red is the complementary color of green.